
KB011 Gather call GUID's from the System

  1. Place test call into the system
  2. Once call is completed, open the TMSNcc log in the Shoreline Data/logs folder for the day to test call.
  3. In the TMSNcc log, search for the Caller Id the call was placed from. In the below example number 800-742-2348.
    • Remove the Dash and search for the number 8007422348 or even just 2348 and you will find the call.
  4. If you are placing multiple calls from the same number to reproduce a issue make sure after you have reproduced the issue you search for the call guid prior to placing a new call, to ensure you have the correct call guid.

In the TMSNcc log you will see the C-CE this is a call create message to the number you searched for. Then you have the call guid:
14:15:43.550 ( 5624: 8972) C-CE: 400001AA "000f0000-15d1-55e0-e5c6-000c2900bebc" ("9+18007422348","",0x8) 00000000,SDP:N,ipCDS:0x0000000F,flgs:0x00000000,cd:0x00000000,"" "sip:TGrp_7,p23@"

400001AA "000f0000-15d1-55e0-e5c6-000c2900bebc is the call GUID

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