
KB001 How to install ShoreTel Communicator / Connect Client


To download the Communicator/Connect Client files

In your browser type the following depending if you need communicator or connect client.

Communicator: IP of the HQ/Director/shorewareresources/clientinstall


Connect: Enter IP of the Connect director and hit enter



Now download the file to the users computer

For Communicator download Click the Click Here to install ShoreTel Communicator link.

For the Connect client download click the ShoreTel Connect Client.


After the file download

1. Click run

2. Click next and accept the terms in the license agreement

3. Click next and install the software, once its done click finish

4. In the ShoreTel window enter in the IP of the ShoreTel HQ server


5. Click next

6. Enter in the following info

(these options can be configured in the director/communicator under users<user profile)

A. Uncheck "Use windows credentials" -Unless you have AD Integration already integrated in ShoreTel

B. User Name: extension number of the user

C. Password: changeme

Depending on your options, you may have to enter in a new password after you log into your ShoreTel communicator.

7. Click Finish

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