
KB002 Statically Assign an IP to a ShoreTel Phone


Follow these instructions to Statically assign a ShoreTel phone.

*Verify your configuration is set for the IP in your DHCP Scope option before you continue*

1. Reboot the phone.
2. If it comes up and asks for a password enter 1234#
3. If it doesn't and just starts asking for DHCP press # to stop it
4. Press the Mute button and type 73887#
5. Enter password 1234#
6. Press #  so you do not clear all values
7. Press * and then # to turn off DHCP
8. Enter the ip address using the keypad.  Use * for the period . , once completed Press #
9. Enter the subnet and press #
10. Enter the Default Gateway and press #
11. Enter the FTP address (IP of the Director/Connect server) then press #

Press # until it saves the info and restarts.

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