Creating Option 156 in Your Windows DHCP Server
Open the DHCP tool in Windows: Start > Administrative Tools > DHCP
Click the “+” sign next to the first DHCP server in the left-most pane to expand the options. Right-click IPv4 and select Set Predefined Options.
Click Add. In the Name field, type ShoreTel (or whatever you want to name the option).
Set the Data type to String.
Under Code, type 156 and add a description if desired.
Click OK twice.
Adding Option 156 to Your Windows DHCP Server’s DHCP Scope
Click the “+” sign next to IPv4, then click on your scope for the network you need to add "option 156" to. (usually for voice Vlan, IE 254)
Right-click Scope Options and select Configure Options in the "Contents of Scope" window.
On the General tab, scroll down to option 156 and check the box next to it to enable it.
Under the String Value, enter any/all of the following options:
vlan= # of your voice vlan
configservers=IP of director/connect
ftpservers=IP of director/connect
There needs to be a space after the comma when adding string values.
Here is an example:
"vlan=254, layer2tagging=1, configservers=, ftpservers="
Click OK.
Checking to See If Your Phone is Set Up Via DHCP or Manually
Type mute -> info (4636) -> # -> Services -> and select Details when the Config server is highlighted
If manually configured, you will see “Config servers set from manual entry”
To set it to learn dynamically via DHCP, click Edit in the Service window while the Config Server is highlighted, and enter 1234 as the Admin password.
Press OK.
Press the Clear button.
Press Back.
Press Back.
Press Apply.
Note: If there are residual or old settings that are not clearing after deleting the hard coded Config Server (or if all else fails), enter the following on your phone: Mute ->25327# -> then select the Clear.